What happens when a business breaks the law? In many cases, a regulatory violation results in a fine or some additional penalties, such as increased oversight. But some cases are large enough that the company involved is brought before a federal judge and sentenced. Obviously, a business can’t go to jail. But sometimes, individual executives…
Most people want to be thought of as ethical. When working with teams, an appeal to people’s moral core can make a major difference. Earlier in my career, I took on a business unit that was staffed by people with strong personalities. They were all great people who worked hard, but they had trouble getting…
What message is being sent by the recruitment tactics you use? For instance, is it okay to exaggerate claims about what the job candidate will get if he or she accepts the job? This video from Gregg Learning discusses how over-promoting a job can have bad outcomes for the business, including lawsuits from disappointed hires.…
Here are the top 5 functional areas reported as having ethics issues The U.S. Bank Small Business Ethics Center surveyed 301 small business owners and managers nationwide to learn about where they dealt with ethics in their companies. Not surprisingly, we found that ethics is a high priority for small business owners and managers, regardless…
Mary Gentile, Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership Mary Gentile, Creator/Director of Giving Voice to Values, explains why how to respond when one of your subordinates raises a concern about an ethics issue. Originally by Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership. Used by kind permission of NDDCEL.
It’s time to invest in face-to-face training that empowers employees to have difficult conversations, says Tamekia MizLadi Smith. In a witty, provocative talk, Smith shares a workplace training program called “I’m G.R.A.C.E.D.” that will inspire bosses and employees alike to communicate with compassion and respect. Bottom line: always let people know why their work matters.…
In this fun and nerdy talk, ethics professor Christopher Robichaud explains how he worked the key principles of Dungeons & Dragons into an ethics simulation used to train future policymakers at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. This video is shared under a Creative Commons license (BY-NC-ND 4.0). Please visit Ted.com. This talk was presented at…
Incentive gaming, or “gaming the system,” refers to when we figure out ways to increase our rewards for performance without actually improving our performance.
Psychological research provides guidance as to how leaders can create a workplace culture that encourages ethical behavior by employees.
The moral example set by leaders has a major impact on the behavior of their subordinates, both good and bad. Despite career success, leaders are particularly vulnerable to ethical lapses.