This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business reviews how a British supermarket chain misstated results in order to maintain value, and what happened then.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business considers how a variety of organizations manipulated student athletes to go to specific universities.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at an instance in which a Korean company used its economic power to influence a national leader.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at research conflicts at McCombs’ own university.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business illustrates concepts connected with an insider trading scandal.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business reviews the origins of the Penn State scandal.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business reviews known food safety issues at the Peanut Corporation of America.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business considers doctors who overprescribed opioids to their patients.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business considers the sources of the opioid epidemic.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business considers Michael Flynn’s interactions with the FBI.