This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at how owner decisions led to the Rana Plaza tragedy.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at organizational issues at Baylor University.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at the Lance Armstrong doping scandal.
A short animated video about how athletes at UNC received special treatment that ultimately disadvantaged them.
You are more likely to say words that you’ve pre-scripted for yourself, and more likely to “voice” your values, with scripting and practice.
Self-knowledge and alignment means to voice and act on your values in a way that is consistent with who you are and builds on your strengths.
Define your personal and professional purpose explicitly and broadly before conflicts arise, and appeal to this sense of purpose in others.
Normalization means expecting values conflicts so that you approach them calmly and competently. Over-reaction can limit your choices unnecessarily.
Believe that you have a choice about voicing your values and know what has helped – and hindered you – in the past so you can work around these factors.