Abramoff’s version of the self-serving bias, which causes us to see things in ways that support our best interests and our pre-existing beliefs.
Abramoff’s version of role morality, which is our tendency to use different moral standards as we play different “roles” in society.
Abramoff’s version of rationalizations, which are the excuses we make for not living up to our own, or society’s, ethical standards.
Abramoff’s version of overconfidence bias, which is our tendency to be more confident about our moral character and our ability to act ethically than is objectively justified.
Abramoff’s version of moral equilibrium, which describes our tendency to keep a running scoreboard in our heads that compares our self-image as ethical people to our actual behavior.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at the “open secret” of Harvey Weinstein’s treatment of women.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business examines the Volkswagen emissions scandal and its origins.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business looks at the involuntary deplaning of airline passenger David Dao.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business reviews the collapse of Theranos and how it happened.
This short animated video from the McCombs School of Business considers a governor’s misuse of campaign money to facilitate an extramarital affair.