Psychological research provides guidance as to how leaders can create a workplace culture that encourages ethical behavior by employees.

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The moral example set by leaders has a major impact on the behavior of their subordinates, both good and bad. Despite career success, leaders are particularly vulnerable to ethical lapses.

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Trust is the foundation for everything we do. But what do we do when it’s broken? In an eye-opening talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it — something she worked on during a recent stint at Uber. “If we can…

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Nicole Zwieg Daly, J.D, Ed.D. The terms “Code of Ethics” and “Code of Conduct” are often used interchangeably – this is a mistake. These are two unique documents. A code of ethics governs employee decision-making. A code of conduct governs employee action(s). Businesses should have both a code of ethics and a code of conduct…

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“I am reminded how hollow the label of leadership sometimes is and how heroic followership can be.” – Warren Bennis Steve Nguyen, Ph.D. (May 1, 2018) Many of us miss a key point about the importance of followership. Indeed, most people hold a negative view of followership (Kelley, 2008). They can’t imagine anything good or…

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Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is based on Piaget’s theory. Kohlberg stated that moral reasoning is based on six developmental stages. These stages are the basis for ethical behavior. The higher the level of moral reasoning, the better that the person is at dealing with moral dilemmas. The six stages of moral development are…

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Everyone has heard stories of unethical managers who are unfair to their employees. This video from Gregg Learning provides the basics on how companies and managers can treat employees more ethically (and vice versa). Human resources professionals must help create a work environment that honors fairness, protects individual privacy, treats all workers with dignity and…

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When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations — and that most of us don’t converse very well. Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great conversation: Honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy…

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The Silent Generation, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, Gen Z — we’re all in the workforce together. How are our assumptions about each other holding us back from working and communicating better? Social psychologist Leah Georges shows how we’re more similar than different and offers helpful tactics for navigating the multigenerational workplace. By: Leah Georges…

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Listening to both customers and colleagues to gather insights and information is a key ability that successful people possess. Tony Salvador shares some strategies for being a better listener: to lose preconceptions, be vulnerable and open to new ideas, and to not be afraid to hear what we’d rather not hear. By: Tony Salvador This…

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