Diversity in top ranks has grown just incrementally. By Patrick Kennedy Star Tribune AUGUST 4, 2020 — 8:15AM Pledges for increased diversity in public companies have intensified since George Floyd’s death in 2020. Chief executives have not only given to community efforts but also said they are listening and know they need to do better in integrating staffs.…
By Nicole Zwieg Daly Special to the Star Tribune AUGUST 2, 2020 — 3:09PM Q: Many business professionals are reading books such as “How to Be an Antiracist” (by Ibram X. Kendi) and “White Fragility” (by Robin DiAngelo) to learn how to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. What literature do you recommend that depicts people’s…
Media representations of individuals or groups can hurt by reflecting stereotypes and mistaken beliefs or can help by being truthful and inclusive. This video describes how stereotypes (e.g. of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, belief, ability, or age) negatively impact the groups of people being represented.
Employee diversity and inclusivity are important business goals. “Reverse mentorship” matches junior employees with more senior staff to become more aware of diversity and inclusion issues. In this video from TED, Patrice Gordon provides six tips to make reverse mentorship work.