Ethical Systems’ Breaking the FeverPodcast Series on Climate Change – Episode 18 In this episode, Breaking the Fever hears from Carlos Nobre, a climate scientist recognized for his work on biosphere-atmosphere interactions and climate impacts of Amazon deforestation. We speak about Covid-19, about the Brazilian people, the rainforest, biodiversity and climate, cattle and deforestation, and…
Ethical Systems’ Breaking the FeverPodcast Series on Climate Change – Episode 20 In this episode of the podcast, we speak with Marsha Ershaghi Hames about how COVID-19 has shaped and continues to shape, the way corporate leaders respond to challenges not only to their business models but also how they are evolving their dialogue with…
Ayin Jambulingam, a culture and leadership consultant based in Malaysia, explores the historical, political and cultural factors driving the Covid-19 response across Asia. We explore how political leadership and structures have affected the trajectory of the virus, whether lessons from Sars have helped drive a more robust response, and the strengths and weaknesses of collectivist…
Don’t wait to become a principled leader The world population generally agrees that 2020 was less than stellar. The pandemic created many reasons for people to put off their plans. Millions delayed travel, rescheduled celebrations, and set aside their to-do lists. In business, difficult times provide a rationale to put off hard decisions or lofty…