BY JEREMY WILLINGER Internal Reporting refers to any time that a member of an organization (or a former member) tells someone else about an illegal or immoral practice, if the telling is done in the hope that someone will do something to change the practice. In the great majority of cases, employees tell someone within the organization…
Over two decades ago, two of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. history sprung up one after another—first Enron, then WorldCom—after the companies became mired in accounting and financial fraud. In 2002, in response to these ethics breaches, President Bush passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which established many of the internal controls now common in U.S.…
Managers may be the last to know about an ethics issue in the business. It is important to give employees a way to alert management to potential problems without fear of retaliation. When establishing a whistleblower policy, consider the following: Whistleblower Reports are a Gift While bad news is never enjoyable, it can stave off…
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