Relativism is the belief that a harmful act is ‘right’ if the perpetrator claims it is ‘right,’ but what is right and what is wrong is not always relative. This video from the McCombs School of business at the University of Texas examines the applications and limitations of relativism.
An Ethical Systems Highlighted Syllabus BY ETHICAL SYSTEMS Download syllabus for Leading With Values, taught at University of Michigan-Ross School of Business in 2013 by Dave Mayer. Download
An Ethical Systems Highlighted Syllabus BY ETHICAL SYSTEMS Download syllabus for Professional Responsibility, taught at NYU-Stern in 2017 by Jonathan Haidt. Download
An Ethical Systems Highlighted Syllabus BY ETHICAL SYSTEMS Download syllabus for Designing a Good Life, taught at University of Chicago Booth’s School of Business in 2015 by Nick Epley. Download
An Ethical Systems Highlighted Syllabus BY ETHICAL SYSTEMS Download syllabus for Values Based Leadership, taught at Northwestern University-Kellogg School of Management in 2015 by Adam Waytz. Download
An Ethical Systems Book Review BY JARED WOLF Cheating in College: Why Students Do It and What Educators Can Do About It by: Donald L. McCabe, Kenneth D. Butterfield, and Linda K. Treviño John Hopkins University Press (2012) Public Library Summarized by Jared Wolf From one-room elementary schoolhouses to several hundred-person college lecture halls, students have sought loopholes and…
An Ethical Systems Highlighted Syllabus BY ETHICAL SYSTEMS Download syllabus for Behavioral Legal Ethics, taught at University of Tennessee in 2017 by Paula Schaefer. Download
BY ETHICAL SYSTEMS After each major business scandal, a chorus of voices calls for business schools to work harder to instill ethics into their students. But what exactly should they doOn this page we focus on what business schools can do that may lead to stroner ethical systems in the corporate world. Some common changes business schools have made to…
Corruption is theft, pure and simple. Corruption is a constant threat in Kenya, says social entrepreneur Wanjira Mathai — and to stop it there (or anywhere else), we need to intervene early. Following the legacy of her mother, political activist and Nobel Prize recipient Wangari Maathai, Mathai shares three strategies to uproot a culture of…
In March, Ethical Systems hosted its second “Ethics by Design” conference. It showcased not just the expertise of top behavioral-science researchers and business practitioners, but also the challenges—both empirical and managerial—that they face in redesigning organizations to function more ethically. As social psychologist Jon Haidt, the Founding Director of Ethical Systems, said in his closing…