Keeping ethics top of mind when you hire helps to create a team that lives up to your company’s high ethics expectations. No matter how much you communicate with your employees about the importance of ethics, or how strong your Code of Ethics might be, it is critical to hire people who respect and uphold…
Technology can be an ally in promoting your company’s values. Technology continues to transform every industry and every size of business. From the back office and shop floor to frontline sales and customer service staff, technology has become a baseline factor in nearly every business growth decision. How might we leverage the advantages offered by…
Talking about ethics early and often is key to establishing a culture of integrity at your company. Every company has some sort of on-boarding process for new employees, whether in formalized sessions or more relaxed introductions. New employees have to learn about key colleagues, the management chain, clients, rules and regulations, new technology and systems…the…
Know and appeal to a short list of widely shared values. Don’t assume too little (or too much) commonality with the viewpoints of others.
Everyone has heard stories of unethical managers who are unfair to their employees. This video from Gregg Learning provides the basics on how companies and managers can treat employees more ethically (and vice versa). Human resources professionals must help create a work environment that honors fairness, protects individual privacy, treats all workers with dignity and…