“The Self-Evolved Leader was written to take you on a journey, from making the critical shift in perspective needed to break the cycle of mediocre leadership, to building a foundation for effective leadership, strengthening the disciplines you need to deliver great leadership, and ending with a plan for mastering and sustaining leadership” (McKeown, 2020, p.…
The world is full of leadership programs, but the best way to learn how to lead might be right under your nose. In this clear, candid talk, Roselinde Torres describes 25 years observing truly great leaders at work, and shares the three simple but crucial questions would-be company chiefs need to ask to thrive in…
National Public Radio examines how good people can act unethically, using a small business example. Over the past decade or so, news stories about unethical behavior have been a regular feature on TV, a long, discouraging parade of misdeeds marching across our screens. And in the face of these scandals, psychologists and economists have been…
One way to develop your ethical “muscles” is to exercise them. Using an ethics work-out gives you a routine to follow until you naturally follow your moral instincts in every instance. The “Principled Leaders” diagram below provides a quick reference for how to build an ethical habit. A principled leader is a person who puts…
Moral intent is the desire to act ethically when facing a decision and overcome the rationalization to not be ethical “this time.”
Moral decision making is the ability to produce a reasonable and defensible answer to an ethical question.
Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development is based on Piaget’s theory. Kohlberg stated that moral reasoning is based on six developmental stages. These stages are the basis for ethical behavior. The higher the level of moral reasoning, the better that the person is at dealing with moral dilemmas. The six stages of moral development are…
Childhood lessons can help you make the most ethical decisions as an adult. Q: I need to write a report for the investors of a privately held company. My boss asked me to “do some creative accounting” to make it look like the company made a profit. Any advice? – Concerned worker A: When faced…
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